International conferences "Contemporary British Poetry and the Long 1980s: From Deregulation to Self-Regulation"
Publié le 26 mai 2023
Evénement coorganisé par Bastien Goursaud, chercheur a l'UFR Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines de l'UPEC et membre du laboratoire IMAGER.
Colloque British Poetry
du 15 juin 2023 au 16 juin 2023
June 15th : from 9:30am to 6pm June 16th : from 9:30am to 5:30pm
June 15th : Amphi Molinié, Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris 5e (Métro : Odéon) June 16th : Amphi MIEE, Campus Mail des Mèches (Métro : Créteil-Université) Plan d'accès
This conference is partly a response to Sean O’Brien’s hypothesis—formulated in 1995—on the deregulation of British poetry since the 1980s. While Margaret Thatcher proclaimed that there was no alternative (TINA) to economic liberalism and economic deregulation, poetry in Britain seems to have produced alternatives only, an increasing range of aesthetic alternatives.
Are we today still living in the wake of this 1980s aesthetic turn? Where have new poetics emerged since then? What significant formal innovations—in terms of diction, prosody or rhythm—have been produced by this “deregulation” of British poetry? Has the questioning of all forms of poetic authority and centrality led to a self-regulation of the various parts of the poetic scene? Has this in turn led to more innovation, and poetic freedom, or, on the contrary, has it created more pressure for poets to keep to their own corners of the poetry market? This two-day conference will be an attempt at addressing some of those questions.